Freshly out of college and fresh out of any ideas, Avery is lost. Like completely and utterly lost. She has two part-time jobs, no boyfriend, no friends ( they all left for the summer), and she is seriously considering adopting a cat. That's more or less her life at the moment.... Sad and uneventful.
But she has a goal, (which is something at least), she wants to save up $10,000 by the end of the summer so she can pay for her vacation to Greece. She will find any way to get a little extra cash, and with the help of her new found friend, a bottle of wine, she hopes to achieve that goal along with trying to figure out what she wants to do with the rest of her life.
And of course, there is always a guy involved....
**Based on a true story**
At the beginning of each chapter, a bottle of wine or another alcohol will be featured. PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY, AND IF YOU ARE UNDER 19 (Canada) OR 21 (U.S.A) PLEASE DON'T DRINK UNTIL YOU ARE LEGAL!