Totul se intampla in urma reconstruirii Cybetron-ului, lucru care ar fi trebuit sa puna capat razboiului, dar Starscream avea o dorinta avida de razbunare pentru stapanul sau, Megatron. Echipa Prime se reuneste, si chiar se mareste cu inca cativa membrii, dintre care doi oameni. Emi si Kailey. Cititi cartea, pentru a vedea, si pentru a va putea imagina, un serial de proportii, ca o continuare a filmului Transformers Prime Predacons' Rising si a seriei Transformers Roboti deghizati.
It all happened after the reconstruction of Cybetron, which should have ended the war, but Starscream had an eager desire for revenge for its master, Megatron. The Team Prime is reunited, and even expanding with a few more members, including two humans. Emi and Kailey. Read the book to see, and to be able to imagine, a series of proportions, as a continuation of the Transformers Prime Predacons' Rising movie and Transformers Robots in Disguise