[LIVE EDITING. Pardon the unfinished and contradicting paragraphs]
On March 14, 2032, an extraterrestrial prion, Olelukye-3 (OLK3), infected millions around the world.Those afflicted fell into irreversible paralysis, and no carrier survived. Leadership and militia were scarce, and so anarchy ensued. The world, and humankind itself, was more divided than ever in history. As men begat men, and like an illicit lover, the virus came crawling back, as it was not done with humankind just yet. Once lethal to the living, it evolved to frolic within its dead victims, furcating into diverse pathogens that grant its undead host very specific mutations. Mankind united once again for an inexorable cause; a common enemy, or rather, five enemies. Five viruses, five races, five legions.
Tessa, struggling to keep food on the table amongst a hundred others in a remote survivor colony, is left alone to raise her younger brother Cal, all the while trying her best to stay afloat and forget a macabre past. But as change is tentative as the wind, their meek and pacific lives turn for the worse, falling dead center into the discord.
As the United Human Army, the Presbyters, the Hexenhammers, and the Four Kings skirmish with Earth as trophy and throne, Tessa fights to preserve her humanity as she races to save the one she loves the most in a World War only predicted to be the end of the human race;
the Virus War.
SOOO we obviously didn't make the deadline lol. This story is unfinished and will remain that way. This is the best example of a rushed concept with no actual plot lol. I wrote blind and hated most of what I had written. I've redesigned this concept and I'm rewriting it with a stronger concept and a laid-out plot. I will release the rewrite when it's done.
I'm keeping this published so I can look back at my growth and so others can also see the transformation if they are interested.
[ROUND THREE QUALIFIER] Simone's family is her life until she is called as one of the hundred winners given a chance at a new life. When Simone Moss enters the Healthy Human Dome, she is pushed into a deadly game that challenges her in every way possible. While this dark game is filled with blood, it also forces her to face her inner demons and grow in unexpected ways.
"Every life you take raises the price of your own. Are you worth more than any of them?"
This is my entry to the 2021 Open Novella Contest. Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting. This is my first story outside of fantasy as well as my first 3rd person story. Good or bad, I'd love to hear what you think, it'll help me grow as a writer.