The monsters need help readjusting after the fall of the barrier, and Elizabeth Shye knows it won't come from the humans. So, she offers them a place on her family's land, which has been protected from human persecution, and uses her magic to help them adjust. The first monsters who accept her offer have to adjust to life on the surface, and a young Frisk struggles to balance her duties as an ambassador with her life as a child. Meanwhile, the humans of Briar Glen must learn to accept the monsters of the mountain who now live among them. _____________________________________________________________ This is an ongoing project with my good friend Dragon_of_Destiny, and this'll be a comic series and comic dub eventually. Enjoy! _____________________________________________________________ I was inspired by a comic dub of this story: Thanks to the creators for giving me inspiration. There are some similarities but the story will not be the same as theirs. ____________________________________ I am of the opinion that the player of the game/the author of the fanfiction is the person who decides Frisks gender, and I personally think Frisk is female so that is why I call Frisk a "she." My apologies if this offends anyone.All Rights Reserved