N/A: This story takes place in the world depicted by the Video Game "Persona 5" Some Characters and Events are Canonical and others are Non Canonical, but all are based off of Persona 5's Lore. Plot: In the year 20xx A young man named Ikuro Kubo awakens to a mysterious power called "Persona" a manifestation of ones inner self; after activating a phone app that brought him to another dimension called "Palace" a manifestation of "distortion", strong negative and corrupt thoughts that warp the perceptions of people into a hazard for themselves and others and are ruled by a persons shadow self. After awakening to his power he finds himself bound by contract to a place called "The Velvet Room" a place between dream and reality that is run by the mysterious "Igor" and his attendants Caroline and Justine. Ikuros task is simple, change the hearts of corrupt adults and complete his rehabilitation.All Rights Reserved