"Are you satisfied with an average life?" Everyone's got something. We all have a story to tell. This one begins with a girl. But before that, there are 6 Important Things: 1. This is a story about nothing, in the wholly untraditional sense. 2. This is a story about love, and not-love, and mis-definitions to the utmost degree. 3. This is a story about kick-ass music and the palliative abilities of pancakes and Diet Coke. 4. This is a story about names, and the creative prowess of unadulterated hate against them. 5. This is a story about friends. And why they suck wet donkey ass. And why they don't. And why it doesn't really matter. 6. Oh, and ice cream. This is a motherfucking story about pistachio ice cream. (And, by the way, the answer is no.) Basically, this story is about everything that matters and how it ultimately doesn't at the same time. Get it? Great! Neither do we! We welcome you to this roller coaster of a story. Strapped in? Is it tight enough? Remember to keep your arms and legs in at all times, 'kay? Oh, and don't forget to scream!