13 capítulos Concluído MaduroShe was twenty, and was a second year undergraduate student of Management studying in Pune. She was innocent, she was lively, she was intelligent and somewhere deep down, she was a hopeless romantic. She was skinny thin and had nerdy glasses. Her parents lived in Mumbai with her little sister and she was a maverick in her own right. Her friends called her Prags, but for the world she was Pragya Arora.
He was twenty-four, he was successful, he was a rising rockstar and he was an entrepreneur. He was drop dead gorgeous and he jolly well knew it. Class, panache, the move and the groove, he had it all. He had women fawning over him and he never delved beyond hook-ups. To his daadi he was her loving Abhishek, to his sister he was her adorable bhai, but for the world he was Rockstar Abhi.
Then they met.