"Pop star Justin Bieber, denied he fathered a child" OMG that little cock sucker! I cant believe he's getting all this attention from denying that he fathered my baby child. I can still feel his sperm in my vagina. He just doesn't want to pay child support. That little dick. He knows dang right that its his kid. Its not like I'm a prostitute. I just sell my body on the weekends.He just doesn't want to be the father of a kid named Nugget (short for chicken nugget). We all know that has plenty of money that his mouth is producing. I'm due three weeks and I'm sure in hell not ready to be pushing a baby out of my mangina and I know that I will not be paying to that medical bill. I'm barely making a living for myself working at Church's Chicken and having a side job as a stripper/ prostitute/pole dancer/magician. With all that said I only have three weeks to track his ass down with the help of my two sisters Marley and Biggy.