Alice is a not so normal girl. She was teased when she was in middle and high school about being too smart and she was "ugly" in most of the student bodies eyes. Now she's completely changed, well, on the outside. She used to have acne and pale pasty skin, handy down clothes and plain, ragged hair. Now she doesn't have a single spot of acne on her skin, her skin glows with a very light tan, she's bought a whole new wardrobe with the money's she has earned, and she's dyed her hair and it flows beautifully on her shoulders. She's moving in with her sister, Penny. And she meet a certain group of people who she'll call her dear friends. But a certain fello in the group captures her heart and she knows he'll never go for a girl like her, but smart people are wrong sometimes too. They're more alike then what meets the eye.
9 parts