Everyone deals with grief differently.
Margarita "Peggy" Schuyler has been dead for years, a fact that Angelica and Elizabeth Schuyler refuse to accept. The two sisters have never been truly convinced that she is dead, and constantly have hallucinations of her being alive, which the city of Albany, New York has grown to accept. At the Winter's Ball in 1780, the Schuyler sisters meet the loves of their lives, and slowly begin to lose grip of their younger sister Peggy due to their newfound happiness. Will they be able to handle the truth that the one woman that they both supposedly "grew up" with isn't real?
**DISCLAIMER** This is not at all historically accurate. It is set in a world where Peggy Schuyler is dead, and the only other sisters are Angelica and Eliza, when there were actually many other siblings in real life. Also, the dates of certain events will not be correct.
This idea was given to me at 2 am by my father, who was half-asleep at the time.