Nyaira (Ny-ar-a) Carmichael is a songwriter. She was born and raised in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia. She is incredibly mercurial and extremely blunt, which explains why she doesn't have many friends. Nyaira has no censor and isn't afraid to tell everything on her mind. And you wouldn't even want to see her when someone doesn't reciprocate her energy. However, the people who grew up with her know that she's this way because she's passionate about EVERYTHING she's involved in. She's a goof and lovable to those who get the chance to really know her. It's always a show with her around. Her writing skills were noticed in high school, where she was popular for her swift creativity and ability to bring livelihood to any page. She could always be found writing for this singer or that rapper in high school. After graduating she dropped off until an upcoming singer she went to school asked for her help writing a few songs for his mixtape. From there, the only way was up. Money was rackin' in. She could afford all the luxuries she heard them hood niggas talkin' bout on the street corners. Nyaira was doing something she loved and was most passionate about. But she realizes how difficult she is when she starts bumping heads with someone just like her.