In a world of pets, Hairy Poocher is a wizardry master. His friends, Ron Weasel and Hermeowine Granger fight bad guys and evil monsters that roam private drive, Hogwarts, and many other places. Hairy and his enemy, Draco Mouseifoy, go head to head in an epic battle of Quidich. He starts thinking Draco is out to get him. He started to get annoyed. But oh my, Hairy Poocher went way to far. He casted a spell on Draco. But Proffeser Snape was right about Hairy Poocher not practicing his spells. He accidently turns Draco into an invisible dragon. Can they make the antidote before it is to late? Can they save the world from the villainous Draco? Make sure 2 check out CCCherrywood's Diary of a Team Rocket MemberAll Rights Reserved