This story takes place in an isolated elite school, called Kisaragi High, where the students are hardly able to make contact outside the gates. The story begins as a 2nd year student, Abigail Michiko, one day meets a strange young man around her age wearing old time clothes resting behind the gym. He seems to have not remember anything that happened before or after he ended up there, except for his name: Minato Toshi. Abigail surprisingly took him in and realized, as she got to know him more, that he was dead and was brought to life after a 100 years because of a spell. She freaks out at first but her feelings and bond with him reached out and slowly changed her mind as she continued to stay by his side until he recalled most of his memories. With the help of Abigail, Minato sets out to find more about his past, his little sister, and how to break the "Life Lock" spell in order to continue living. since January 24, 2014~
9 parts