Agathos Daimon in Ancient Greek simply means Good Spirit, and is a name that is applied to a number of deities., such as Zeus, Hermes and Dionysos, as well as guardian spirits of home and vineyards. Or personal Daemones. In Rome, the Agathodaemon was depicted as a youth, often with a snake, or simply as a snake. Worship of the Agathas Daimon in Ancient Greece is not well documented, as tended to be more household worship rather than state cult. Agathodaemon became more popular as a cult Deity in later Roman and Alexandrian times. In the City of Alexandria in Egypta very synchretic religion developed and Agathosdaemon was syncretised with the already synchretic God Serapis.
The Second day of the New Moon is sacred to the Agathos Daemon, or Good Spirit. This can mean many things, from a form of Zeus who guards the home, to a spirit of vineyards and grain fields, a spirit who guards the food stores, or to evolved souls who act as personal guides to lead us on the path. Both the hounds of Artemis and the Hounds of Hekate can be seen as Agathos Daemones. I am not sure which version of the Agathos Daeomon would have been honoured on the second day of the lunar month in ancient times, but have included all these interpretations in the following prayer.