'Every Friday was the same after that. Fletchy had barely made it out his seminar before they were back at it again. Seven until eleven as usual. 'At least we get reliable hours with dealing, not like these fucking zero hours contracts,' Jonno would mutter with a menthol in his mouth, his hands cupped in a desperate attempt to protect his pound shop flame from the icy Mersey winds. Come eleven it was back to Hanover Street with a pill each, and by midnight they were Kings of Hanover Street, Kings of Liverpool - no, Kings of the World - at least, until the comedown.'
'The Kings of Hanover Street' follows the life of Cillian Doyle, or 'Doyley', a young and impressionable man growing up in suburban Liverpool. Having befriended rich but troublesome Robert Fletch (Fletchy) and Darren Buxton (Cake), tensions flare up between Cillian's old acquaintances and new opportunities. However, as the lads enter the world of drug dealing, tensions spill into conflict as their recklessness threatens the entire group. Love will be lost, friendships will be broken - and pills will be taken, because what else really matters?