Joey Drew, the creator of Bendy and his friends. The creator who brought his animation to life with his ink machine. The creator who tortured his own creation as his sanity plummet every single day. The creator who is known to be a traitor...
Now, we all know that. But did you know that he had a child? A son who was kind, caring and loving child. He was a young child who loved to draw. His son was a child with crazy imaginative ideas that made his father happy.
Now, did you notice all the 'was'? Heh, the young child died in a terrible accident. Joey mourned on his son's death for days and still wouldn't believe his son died. In order to escape mourning his deceased son more, he dedicated his life to cartooning.
One day, when Joey was cleaning, he found his son's drawings. Drawings that he made into animation, in honor for his deceased son.
Now, this is where everything you know started. Day after day, Joey will remember his son on his creations. Plummeting his sanity more and more.
On his breaking point, he created a character and brought it to life. Now, who is this character? Hehehe, it's you...
[Name] Drew...
|Bendy x Male Reader x Various|
[Started writing on 06/26/17]
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