"I can't stand to see you not smile. So please smile gorgeous". Kyle cooed. Kyle...always my hero. -- "You...you can't just beat people up because they hurt my feelings! That's not how life works! You can't always be there when I get upset and you can't freak out when you find out!" Mickey cried. Mickey...always stubborn. *** Mickey Hart had a... different kinda life than the average teenager. Her friends were either out of control or down right weird. Well most of them were expect her best friend, Kyle Goodman. Mickey is what people would call antisocial. She kept to herself and didn't really like to talk about her feelings. To her most feelings were just useless. Just unwanted emotions that every person feels. Something about her just doesn't seem right to everyone. But no-one knows what battles she fights everyday. Not even Kyle. Kyle Goodman is what you'd call protective. He stands up for anyone that he thinks deserves it and doesn't take crap from anyone. But when it comes to Mickey he absolutely loses it. Kyle doesn't know what it is but whenever someone hurts Mickey he just blows up. He can't stand to see her hurt. But what he doesn't know is that he's one of the reasons she cries everyday. Come and follow Mickey and Kyle's journey as the discover who they are and what friendship truly means to them. *** I know it sounds cliché but please give the story a chance.All Rights Reserved