"You know my name ,not my story"
As cliché as this may seem , it suits me perfectly.
What you see is an illusion that I've perfected over the years...if only you could see my heart and the pain that I've put it through....if only you could feel the pain my body has endured. .. if only you could've experienced the torture ,the self loathing, then finally forgiveness and accepting what I have been through...so that you too could understand why I am who I am ..and how I have become so strong....You have NO IDEA who I am...only the illusion that I choose to feed to you....I'm not perfect, I'm damaged goods; and I've learned to accept that...just like I've learned to love and value my life as well...
" You don't know me"
This is an autobiography on my life and I will not hold back on any details...you are forewarned . This will be a form of me venting because to date I haven't told anyone of all that I've experienced throughout my life. You may ask why I am doing so now...well I'm hoping by me speaking out I can encourage another that there can be a life after any type of pain.