Negan and May drive in an old convertible down a deserted highway. "The dark of the alley. The breakin' of day. The head while I'm drivin', I'm drivin'. Soft lips are open. The knuckles are pale. Feels like you're dyin', you're dyin'." So, I've always loved the song 'Sex on Fire' by Kings of Leon. I love a lot of songs, though, and it hadn't really done a whole lot for me as far as inspiration until I listened to it about 4 o'clock in the morning in the middle of writing my "Redemption - A Negan Story." It conjured up this whole beautiful fuck-fest in my head, but I couldn't figure out a way to shoe-horn it into the original story - so here it is as a one shot. The same characters of May and Negan are featured, as in "Redemption". I highly, highly, highly recommend listening to 'Sex on Fire' (I'll post above the story text). I had it playing over and over as I was writing and they just seem to go together now. I know I'll never hear this song again without thinking of this one shot. Enjoy! Winner - The Walking Dead Awards, Best One Shot - hosted by @The_Dead_RoomAll Rights Reserved