The earth is falling apart. Day by day. Hour by hour. A large chain of volcanoes has begun to erupt. Starting in New Zealand before heading to Asia, then Europe, America and finally the Antarctic. New Zealand along with Australia and most of Asia have already faced these super volcanoes with devastating effects. Now the uk is next. Three young care home kids who live in the UK look to suffer the same fate as millions. With no money or family it seems they will most likely perish within the lavas deadly grasp. But they have a wish. To meet the boy band they've idolized for so long. One Direction. However, to make their wish come true they must travel to Cornwall where the boy band is preparing to leave for the only safe place left on earth, Festus island. With no money and over 1000 miles to travel will they make it in time? Or will their wish burn with them? This story is copyrighted© 2014 to @littleirishcutie. All rights reserved.Tutti i diritti riservati
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