Synopsis: Fantasy life is incomplete Without the supernatural in the World where all Things Happen as well as the power of Magic and elements. Country Where There Are 7 Kingdoms That Stand In Every Angle of every Wind direction Each Kingdom has its own right and takes care of its territory. The 7 kingdoms are the most important center in maintaining world peace, the seven kingdoms always keep the peace in order to be ready to be controlled no war, split parts and bloodshed all live with peace and prosperity. The 7 kingdom as a magic supply center if one of the kingdom is destroyed there will be great shocks due to the unstable supply of magic received zyxn. Zyxn a mysterious object and only a mere story for the community no one can see the object only the chosen person who can see and the great Power alone who can see and feel the strength and from the zyxn sword. There is a man named kusanagi kajiki, living life casually no matter what he is doing and just living as he wishes. Kusanagi kajiki is a disciple at the Listina academy where every disciple is trained in order to become a knight this is not appropriate for him to be called a knight, has no skill and magic and elements that most knights have. In a world where one can control the magic and the elements it occupies. Do not hesitate to comment, your criticism and suggestions are all very valuable to me so that the future can be even better. Respect Author, banned copy paste the story before permission first.All Rights Reserved
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