(In the process of making a proper title page)
April Apati wakes up in a forest with no recollection of how she got there, or why. After finding she's unseen by the mortal eye (Though she's quite glad, considering she bears the odd and peculiar appearance of a jester), April roams the world with no specific purpose, only knowing she's overwhelmingly bored with her uneventful life. That all changes and half of her does enjoy this sudden exhilarating substitution to her everyday life, while the other half is exceedingly terrified.
"A guardian isn't chosen solely because of their centre. Everyone has a centre, even children. Guardians are chosen based on the personality that develops around their centre." ~ North
"You're smart, I'll give you that. You're not like Jack, your pranks ain't willy-nilly. All your pranks are timed and precise, but all for a reason. Still, I hate ya, but you're smart." ~ Bunnymund
"You really aren't what I expected you to be. When I thought of April Fools, I thought of fun. No offence, but you were kind of a letdown." ~ Jack Frost
"If it means anything, I trust you. Don't get me wrong, chances are eventually my trust will run out. It doesn't matter if that's hundreds of years from now, or maybe just tomorrow. I believe in you right now." ~ Tooth
"First of all, you flagitious gremlin, it's April Apati. Apati was the original term, not fools. What an excerebrose translation." ~ April Apati