You wake up in a field of beautiful yellow flowers. You don't know how you got there, but it seems so.. Peaceful and lonely. However, you feel another presence. Not physically but... mentally. Its inside you, and sharing your thoughts. You brush it off, and follow a small path to the ruins, and meet a friendly goat lady. She directs you to Snowdin, and just as you depart... the force takes over.
You hear a voice telling you to.. attack. You refuse; after all, the lady helped you. Then, something takes over. You can't explain it, and the voice laughs and laughs.....
You start on your way to Snowdin, and along the way you meet a skeleton. He's all fun and games at first, but you sense a deep pain. He seems to know you, but you don't know him at all. Through your path, you start to... fall for him. You don't know why, but he is deep, and kind. However, the voice keeps drawing you away and giving you thoughts... bad, evil thoughts. Of killing all the monsters you meet.
And he knows you do.
And he wants...
To stop you.