Decades ago, women weren't aloud to vote or get proper salaries for their hard work.
Now, everyone reconigzes women on top can make it better.
It could be awesome, if you know what they mean...
I never wanted to trust a man again. I was cast aside as if I was a worthless piece of shit.
When it came to the crap my parents did to me, I was used to their bullshit, so when they believed my EX over their own daughter, I was insulted and hurt.
Through all my pain and turmoil that I received from my parents, I was able to survive thanks to my own determination and grit. Once I was abandoned by them and Betrayed by them thanks to my ex-boyfriend, I donned a new persona and a new life. Who knew that I wasn't the only other person being betrayed. I Later met this person and during some of our interactions- we fell in love.