As mysterious as it sounds, as heartwarming as it feels, it is I who has kept those tears away from the seas, it is I who has veiled those injuries under a radiant smile, it is I who has whisked those stories to make you believe, its is I who has masked that pain without relief, no wonder that reality never really appeared. It is I who wrote to you under those magical spells the beautiful messages you received, it is I who communicated with you through that virtual ID, It is I who wanted to form a bond but everything seems falling all wrong, it is I who felt almost apart when you giggled at the text of your friends, no wonder you made me felt lonely. It is I you tried imposing your ideas on, it is I who tried compromising between my priorities, it is I who got crushed anyways. No wonder you must haven't felt so because it is I who concealed all traces of negative emotion when it came to you. It is I who read your messages to my family when your attitude deeply worried me, it is I who exposed both sides of the incident when your tone was perhaps not any close to appealing ,it is I who searched the meaning behind you three points of suspension, no wonder your actions caused my repulsion. Have you guessed who this concerns, it is not one but two who impacted my personal and social life. Are you ready to vision your past, if yes then hold on tightly because this might be the craziest psychological roller coaster you've decided to buckle yourself onto.