"Somerset: A Time to Love", by Gratiana Lovelace (2017): Wattpad Description/Prologue
Life can be funny sometimes--strange, not humorous. Well, not strange, but perhaps unexpected. You go along in life thinking that you are perfectly happy--or at least content. And then, something happens or you meet someone--and everything changes. Hopefully, that change is for the better. And though we may not have sought love--or we stopped hoping for it--sometimes love has a way of finding us, when the time to love is right.
And does devoting oneself to a life of religious service to others, proscribe that a man cannot experience all of life's joys that having a wife and having a family can bring? Does god require total sacrifice of Earthly love as a measure of spiritual devotion? Must a man choose between his god and his love? Or is romantic love possible for anyone, if we open our eyes and hearts to it?
Ecclesiates 3 :1-9 (KJV excerpts) [(2)]
"To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heavens:
A time to be born, and a time to die; ...
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;...
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;" ...
And yes, there is, a time to love.
Author's note, July 01, 2017: I began writing my original contemporary romance "Somerset: A Time to Love" in 2014, working on it off and on over the years. And now, I feel that it is this story's turn to be serialized and shared with you. In part, because I like to rotate between sharing period historical fiction and contemporary present day romances. So this story is in the contemporary romance category. I hope that you will enjoy it. Cheers! Gratiana Lovelace ;->
Aquarius goes back in time to his Senior year of High School. To convince Tilly, a girl in his class, who years later after graduation became his wife, that they are in love in the future. That he can make her fall in love with her now, and they can spend the rest of their lives together. That they won't spend all those years apart as they had, and neither of them will not have to worry about heart break because they were always meant to be.