18 parts Complete A cluster of snowflakes. That's the first thing he remembered. He was much younger then. And much more innocent. That's how they all start, isn't it? No one is ever born a monster. But anyone can turn into one.
Alarik Solis is a cold-hearted villain with only one thing on his mind. Finding the celestial crystal. As a child, he had the powers of his ice witch mother, but the heart and strength of his kind celestial father, and his mother despised him for it. She froze his heart, cursing him with immortality and loneliness. Only true love's kiss or the crystal could break the curse. His only problem was Adara Hayes, his old flame. The last living fire noble. Her mother was the last to hold the crystal, hiding it somewhere safe. To ensure leverage over her, he froze her heart with a catch. As a child of the flame, true love's kiss would thaw her heart, the water dosing her flame and killing her. Her only hope to break the curse was for someone with celestial blood to use the crystal. As an unknown threat looms over them, Alarik realizes he and Adara must work together to find the crystal before they do, and all his old feelings for her begin to surface. He tries to fight them down. He's a villain, afterall. But Adara begins to show him he doesn't have to be the monster everyone fears he is. His struggle with redemption and second chances sends them on a wild adventure to find the crystal and break Adara's curse, and soon he finds he'd do anything to keep her safe. But will it be enough? Or will he revert to his villain ways, allowing Adara to perish?