From random Tinder hookups to my best friend, I've decided to add a poetic twist to conversations I have with the men who come and go in my life.
May contain feminist rants and really sappy heartbreak content.
As usual, enjoy. <3
Pro přidání Conversations with the Men in My Life do své knihovny a dostávání updatů se zaregistruj
From random Tinder hookups to my best friend, I've decided to add a poetic twist to conversations I have with the men who come and go in my life.
May contain feminist rants and really sappy heartbreak content.
As usual, enjoy. <3
"I know I'm sunk deep to this point
To the point where I'm drowned
Into this bowl of honey I feel
I feel like there's no other way out"
A collection of poems about love, admiration and fondness.