" what do you wish for your birthday" the nurse nancy ask me while taking out my food , hospital food it's gross but i love food so pretty much
"to meet one direction and spend 10 months with them " i said with smile but faded because who would love someone like me come on i have cancer and weird part i still have my hair but not any longer
"what's wrong jake?" she asked with concern
"n-nothing" i said and she nodded
hello there i'm jake and i am 17 years old but turning 18 in two days , my wish it is true i do want to but i know it will never happen because harry doesn't like hospitals plus they're problay busy on tour but anyways i haven't lost my hair yet , it's black my eyes they change color cool huh? my mom and dad are very poor though but my uncle helped them for me because you know i have leukima , that's cancer yes i am strong but also weak i can't fight it alone because whatever i do no one will win , it's a lose lose, i used to get bullied because i'm gay yeah you heard me i came out in elementry it was hard being tormented by them ass holes through middle school to high school
i'm being home schooled because my bully josh beat me till i was knocked out , so that's why he was put in jail and here i am
(sorry it sucks but once you read it you'll love it)