Yo! You there :D Do you wanna know what The iplier Brothers do on Noooormal days? Well, You came to the wright place! Find out bye reading, :D and don't forgot if you wanna show your Love to it Vote ;D Main Characters -------------- Darkplier-Oldest Brother- (Age 18) Wilford Warfstach-Middle Brother- (Age 16) Googlplier-Youngest Brother- (Age 13) Extra Characters ---------------------- Antisepticeye (Age 11) The Host (Age 15) (Mark and Jack also MIGHT Be in it so here Marks and Jacks info just in case there in it XD Tehe) (Also Might call Jack (Sean) for some things if he in it XD) Bonus Characters !MAYBE! -------------------------- ((Markplier (Age 28)) ((Jacksepticeye(Age 27)) P.S Info, The Host and Googleplier a Slight ship of mine so don't worry bout it :) P.P.S Info, Anti is 11 yes but he has a crush on Dark and yes Dark 18 but it a Innocent story. Nothing weird or "Smutty" is gonna happen it some what child friendly here :D So it just a Innocent thing with a 11 year old crushing on a 18 year old :3 But I find it adorable. Also Dark Google Warfstache Anti and Host all live together so XD ye) (But anyway Besides that ENJOY :D)All Rights Reserved