This is just advice on LGBT, being LGBT and all that jazz. Now why this is a on LGBT advice I will be covering others things and if anyone have questions I will be more than willing to answer. I encourage everyone to read this even if your straight because this is not just for LGBT. This is for anyone who is confused or need to know anything or just need advice. I've been researching LGBT and studying back up on it. Now I'm a gay male who knows little about LGBT but that's why I'm researching more of it but just because I research it doesn't mean I know best and doesn't mean I'm always accurate. So if I got something wrong or forget to talk about something feel free to tell me and I'll change or add it in. None of this stuff is meant to offend anyone. I repeat NONE OF THIS STUFF IS SUPPOSE TO OFFEND ANYONE!!! I will have my own opinions and my own views on things and if you don't like it who cares because I'm not going to change anything. I can have my opinions and you can yours.