This story has three main characters, Hazel Robertson and Elizabeth and Isabelle McMyer. It is told in third person, but mainly revolves on Hazel's journey. The Chosen Flower's story is about the world's population being too high. As a solution, five people each year are chosen by a small group, kidnapped, and put in a maze. There can only be one winner. Along the way, the trio come across a flower. They see someone pick up an identical flower, and it spits acid at the person who picked it. They have to reach the end of the maze, but only one person can win. Will Hazel survive? The competitors are: Hazel Robertson; Elizabeth and Isabelle McMyer, who are competing as one; Nicholas Flynn, who is nineteen years old, the oldest competitor; Patrica Miller, who is severely overweight, some people even call her Patty the Fatty; and Noah St. John, who is the same age as Hazel.
Waking up in the body of a Romani Archiman is acceptable. Getting 3rd and 1st True Magics is nice. Getting Beasts as pets - delightful. The world of DxD is unforgivable. It's a world where some teenagers who aren't even two decades old somehow mystically defeat the descendants of legendary heroes, ancient demons, powerful dragons, etc. Why does this happen? Simply because! Simply put, this world only makes sense because it doesn't. And now, I have to put up with the fact that I live here. Such pain. (DxDxMulti)