This is a story put in the future of the abc show, Once Upon a Time. My take on it is that (explaining from current situation) Emma, Hook, and Henry get back to the Enchanted Forest and are reunited with their family (no, Emma has not chosen between Neal or Hook yet, I'm trying to keep the backstory as simple as possible because I know the show will come back and screw me up). By a loophole in Regina's breaking of Peter Pan's curse, he finds his way back to The Enchanted Forest, and make amends with everyone (except Belle and Neal- no Rumple is not back *tear*). Problems with Regina's anti-curse are beginning to flourish, and small disruptions are taking place in the kingdoms. People are having short term memory loss, personas are getting confused, and so on. However, the only person who can save the anti-curse from falling apart is Rumplestiltskin, the creator (who is dead).
The story begins with the main characters, Emma, Henry, Neal, Hook, Regina, Belle, Snow White, and Charming debating what to do about the problem (I will try to incorporate parts of the time gap into the story- wish me luck!).