After discovering that Ashlynn is a Valo Rider, an old, ancient race of people that have the ability to bond with dragons, she finds these Valo riders are mortal enemies with the evil, darker brother race, called the Varjo riders. As Ashlynn is integrated and led through the new strange world of Valo riders, she is immediately burdened with an injured dragon whose rider has been kidnapped by the Varjo king. Now, as a fresh rider, her dragon Warrior, and the new injured dragon has to find the kidnapped rider, and figure out why the king took him in the first place.
The Truth About Lies (An Inheritance Cycle Fanfiction)
72 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte
72 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Tabatha isn't quite sure how to react when she discovers that her best friend since childhood is a Dragon Rider. All she knows is that she has to aid him on his journey. But she has secrets of her own; secrets she doesn't even know about; secrets that Galbatorix wants. Now she must journey with Eragon to find the truth, and discover the mystery of her mother's death. But will the truth destroy her and everything she believes in?