Elsina Joy McQueen, daughter of the racing legend, Lightning McQueen and Maryssa (Flywheel) McQueen, enjoyed racing since she was young, and she yearns to compete in the big leagues and become a famous racecar like her father. After Lightning McQueen's crash, her mother refuses to let her race because of how dangerous it is. However, the crash, and the looming threat of Next Gen racers taking her father's place, motivates her even more to compete. There is...one car she is after that she blames for her father's wreck...Jackson Storm.
All the characters from the movie belong to their rightful owners, and Maryssa, Elsina, and Courtney belong to me. Please note that there are some plot points that belong to me, and they may conflict with some of the plot points or scenes in the movie. That, dear readers, is the whole point of fanfiction, and this is a story that I wrote myself. I will do my best to follow the plot from the movie, and I greatly appreciate the feedback. However, if I'm not following the movie, then I would like if you could PLEASE refrain from making unnecessary comments about it.
Also, if you have not seen Cars 3 yet, SPOILERS ARE IMMINENT. You have been warned.