My name is Ariana Montenegro,Im 17 years. I have an 18 year old sister Regina. And let's just say im the calm one compared to her. She's a devil, and she's crazy. We don't really get along, yes, i do love her. And I have two older brothers Michael which he's 20 and James that's is 23 & they still live with us. They are overprotective with both of us, orders of my father. My parents, well my mom passed away when I was 12. My father, Alonso don't really know much about what he's into but he's in a political party- IN that life. Which makes us have a strict life because we "can't ruin his image" he wants to work on being the governor. He's married to Gabrielle, my step mom. Sadly. My dad isn't bad looking but he has years on him, he's probably in his last forties & Gabrielle is 32. I don't know, I have a feeling she's only with him for his money. Last but not least, I have a boyfriend. Ivan Martinez , in my eyes the hottest guy. We've been together for a few months but I feel like he expects a lot from me, as his girlfriend.