An AU story of Voltron, Legendary Defenders and Star Wars, The Clone Wars it's 7 years after the end of the Clone Wars and the disappear of Anakin Skywalker's beloved padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and 3 years since the rise of the Legendary Voltron. After the Jedi are captured by Galra forces and dragged into their second intergalactic war in less than a decade, what will happen after being freed from the Galra prison ship by the Paladins of Voltron. Meanwhile unknown to the Jedi Ahsoka is not only older than everyone believed, and a diffrent species, but the Black Paladin of Voltron as well. Will Ahsoka manage to come out of this without anyone from the Temple figuring out who she is, and what about the other secrets she's hiding? Just how much do the Paladins of Voltron really know about Ahsoka...or should I call her...Delmira Arica, eldest princess of the planet Altea
10 parts