An usual day goes on with the usual daily fight between two of the strongest men in Ikebukuro.
The usual fight plays on with the usual attack/defense coreography, the usual remarks and insults, the usual glares and the usual reactions.
That same usual fight stops suddenly at the not so usual statement.
It was probably supposed to be the opposite, which would be a part of the usual, but something different slipped past the ex-bartender's lips.
Poor guy, don't you judge him for his mistake. You see, he was most probably preparing his mind to voice out the usual words - "I'll kill you!" or "I hate you!"
His hyperactive mind must have simply mistaken the thoughts and subconsciously changed the similar words.
Because, you must admit it to be true, nobody was expecting Heiwajima Shizuo to scream at the top of his lungs at Orihara Izaya's face - "I LOVE YOU!"
Hello~! Long time no see~! This story was inspired by a request from @Izaya_Orihara579. She just wrote a Shizaya fic and needs support so she can keep on writing and growing with us here on Wattpad so please~ go check her account! Now, this is pure fluff and a bit crack, of course being who I am there are some darker things mentioned in the story but it is mainly fluff and humor and cute Shizaya all over!
Durarara!! does not belong to me, I am simply playing with the characters so they do what I want them to!
Ps: not my pic either. ENJOY!