Ok, let me say this. I made this along time ago, and I think it's trash. And so do a lot of people. That's why I am making HEAVY edits, it will have the same outline but will be easier to read and understand, as well as new art. It will be longer and more interesting.
But if you still want to read, I warned you. I'm not the best writer, and I'm still getting used to righting, so PLEASE give me some tips and pointers. Most of the comments are hate, and that's fine but I'm not completely sure what's good. As a creator is their own biggest critic, I think it's all bad. So I need to know if anything is even good.
And if your still reading this far. ;-; I'm not really sure what to say.. Thanks
Alex worked as a repairman for playtime co but after slowly piecing the orphans dissaparing and the new bigger body's coming in he left playtime co and quit but he got something from playtime co 10 years later he gets a letter saying that the employees are still there and decided to go a see what has happened to the employees but also to rebuild playtime co as the corporation he thought it was before he found out its secrets also warnings will be in the parts they are in