You've never had the most money, quite frankly, it was quite the opposite. Living on your own is tough. But don't worry. You've been hired to work at Mann Co. you lucky dog you! I hope your co-workers won't be much trouble... after all, you're going to be living with them. [This story is set in 1969, and the reader is a struggling college student who attempts to find work at Mann Co., where the Team Fortress 2 Cast just so happen to live. In this story the reader is shipped with the medic. If you've read any of my many unfinished stories (lol), you'll see I'm a bit relaxed with how I write, as I describe a little more than I should sometimes... Feel free to critque me in the comments and tell me how to improve! And if you enjoy the story do comment and vote! It keeps me motivated to keep writing. :3c]All Rights Reserved