Sofia Todd is a rich 17 year old girl who is also head cheerleader at her school. Now before you start thinking she's one of those snobby mean girls in highschool, get to know her before you stereotype her. She is sweet as sugar and wants nothing but the best for everyone. Her parents constantly have her feeling trapped with their over bearing expectations for her. One example, to never leave her bf Alexander Fisher because "he is perfect for her". So what happens when new boy Jacob Jones moves to town? Will his troubled past and present only cause him to hurt Sofia? Will Sofia's peers ever see her as the kind hearted person she really is? ****** Got inspired by all the labels in our world today. Don't judge a person ever! Weather you think you know them cause you've known them since you two were 7, or because of the things you hear walking down the halls. Not everyone is who you think.All Rights Reserved