Eons past, <<Gods>> walked the earth...
They, along with their servants and kins, were separated into two factions.
The light and dark...
The yin and yang...
The good and evil...
They are known in different names but they are all one and the same.
Back during the <<Age of Gods>>... A full-blown war broken out.
The reason for this is, as always, a fight for supremacy.
Ever since the beginning of time, the light faction was always on the top.
And so the dark faction, who wanted to become the best, strived for strength.
Both of these factions gains power from abstract things like emotions, memories and different things.
The light faction absorbs positive things such as love, joy, courage, trust, hope and the like.
The dark faction feeds off negative things like hatred, sorrow, fear, lies, despair, and such.
And so by instilling negative things into the creatures below them, the dark faction quickly got stronger.
After getting an equal strength with the other faction, the war ended up in a stalemate.
The extremely long war only begets destruction, and the two faction thought it would just lead into mutual demise.
And so, their respective leaders signed a treaty which states that they wouldn't interfere with the ways of the world.
That's why they cut off all their connections with the world, even those that left descendants with creatures of the world.
Their servants were also left on the world with no way of communicating with them.
As such, the two factions went back to their original worlds, the Aetherworld and the Netherworld.
There, souls of different creatures get transported and their energies, whether positive or negative are distributed.
Afterwards, the purified souls were returned to the world as they are reincarnated into another being.
And so the era of peace on the world thus started...
...or so they thought.