Set against the backdrop of intergalactic politics and war, Starless Night follows the stories of three Humans as they struggle to understand the universe on a cosmic scale. Kayin has a rough start when the Shielders, a potential alien ally for Earth, come out of hiding and into the public consciousness. Not only does their very existence cause her trouble, her panic attacks threaten to derail her everyday life. As the politics of Space unfold Kayin has to decide if following her heart is worth leaving Earth for good. As for Henry Rickner, he wishes he could take back all of his mistakes in his life, starting with his choice to leave Kayin alone in Michigan and the problem: the Temorshians are right outside of Earth's atmosphere. The battle brings humans and Shielders alike to a northern city in Michigan. After a heavy day of fighting, Henry, pays the highest price to give back to his newly formed community. Melissa Pebbles, Kayin's best friend, only has one goal: to keep her family safe during the attacks. She will do anything-even kill- to make sure she and her family make it through the war. While Melissa fights to keep her family safe and alive, she learns that family is more than just blood. Can these three work with the Shielders to save Earth or will they lose the only home they've ever known?
Season 4 of The Virus Within
Trinity is familiar with zombies, being one herself, but when strange zombies start appearing, she realizes that the world she knew might be changing yet again.
When a dangerous set of scientific notes are discovered, Trinity and her friends don't realize anything is wrong until a frantic radio call comes in. Unaware of the notes, they race to the south and struggle to determine where the strange zombies came from. The zombies are unlike any ranks previously seen, and they aren't as predictable. Some have new tricks hidden up sleeves, forcing any Stronghold they encounter to quickly adapt to the new challenge or risk being overrun. Secrets never remain hidden, and zombie apocalypses never make life easy.