'In The Dark' follows a troubled teen, Jocelyn, who lives with her abusive mother, Emily. She tries to find a way to escape this criminal, but what happens when she runs into the band One Direction? Read to find out!
What if you walked in your house only to find strangers sitting on your couch? but they're aren't just strangers, they're One Direction?
Well that's what Monica walks into.
Monica is a nerdy type but has this wild side that comes out once and a while. She's really good with technology and can do anything, she even has the house under technology protection the she build herself The M.T.W.3000. Monica's atelophobic which means the fear of no being good enough or imperfection. it feels like everything she does is wrong. It effects a lot of her relationships. Only her best friend Ivy and her mother knows and that's how she wants it to stay.
She has a passion for singing, she loves it but doesn't think she's good enough but does it anyway. She listens to One Direction to feel better about herself like she belongs in her own little world. She loves their music but doesn't like them like a fangirls do but she does blast the music as well.
So when Monica comes home blasting her music through her earphones and singing 'What makes you beautiful' with her uncle waiting for her, what's in store for Monica?
Oh, did I mention that her Uncle is named Paul and is the limo driver for One Direction, What happens?
Read and find out.