1 cut means I'm pathetic, 2 cuts means I'm usless, 3 cuts means I'm unwanted. I don't eat anymore Like I used to, are you happy? I can't sleep anymore because the voices an nightmares I have won't let me, are you proud? If I cut deeper will it make you want me? Will it make you want to have me around? If I magically became skinny would you be proud to talk to me in the hallways? Are you proud of what I've become? The "Unwanted" girl that walks these hallways with puffy eyes every morning because she can't eat at home without feeling fat, because she can't live her life without having complications, because her only friend is in her head? How do you not see what's behind my fake smile? What hides behind the hoodie I hold onto because its the only thing that makes me feel safe. Am I just your mistake? Would you go back in time to make sure you could erase me from the human existence? My name is Esme. I'm 17 years old and I feel Unwanted, here is my story.