WUDUP PEEPS! ZEEZ ZIZ Kadragan Magazine, WHARE 3 PEEPO RANT ABOUT ZEEIR EXPEERIENCES AT SCHOL , WITH FRIENDS, OAR WUTH TEACHERS. OAR FAMILY. AND I DONT NO Y THE IDEEOT WRITING ZEEZ ZIZ USNG CAPLOCK. <insert Lenny face> And, the cover is inaccurate, because there's supposed to be 3 girls, but I couldn't find any pics of 3 girls. ~Sunny And it's always me who's online and postin' , for some unknown reason. ~Sunny. And there's 4 "and's in a row. ~Megara So go read this book if you're really that interested!~Sunny Yup. I bet you're really really really interested. ~Cornelia Megara : drawing dragons in the background. Oh, come on! Don't read this anymore. Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla You're still reading? Oh well. I'm kinda jealous that you have so much free time to read this. **skip this** **go and read the first chap**
7 parts