This is my first go at putting my stories out to others, not even my husband has read anything i've written. Your comments and feedback is wanted and welcomed. Thank you in advance for taking a chance and i hope you enjoy this and my other stories. Rumours have been doing the rounds about the new family that moved into the neighbourhood. The Moore family. The surprise announcement by Council that the family were being given leave to purchase and live on State owned land brought new and meaner rumours. Mr Tom Moore and Mrs Sue Moore were occasionally seen around town shopping for supplies but little had been sighted of their three children. The Moore family are not your normal family. Tom and Sue were married and have been for over 600 years and their three children have been around for a few hundred years each. Such is the curse of the Were. Cameron Moore is the oldest of the three and feels the responsibilitiy through to his bones. The Moore family have always lived apart from the general populace as one mistake could see them all 'burnt at the stake'. But things are about to change for Cameron, if he is willing to accept the change and see it as the families next step. As his rejection could tear his family apart. So here comes the change in the form of a petite, red haired journalist asking lot of questions. Mackenzie (Mac) Preston combines her size and good looks with a will power the size of Ayers Rock and she has yet to meet a man that turns her speechless. Even as a young girl growing up in New Zealand, Mackenzie had the gift of storytelling so becoming a journalist was fate. Now fate has something new for her to tackle. As a challenge goes, Cameron Moore might be her biggest yet. But if they both don't realise it soon, the Moore family could lose someone dear.All Rights Reserved