Tiani has just turned the dreaded 16 and is well in her words 'kinda' ready to take on The World, well just High School really. But High School can seem like very large scary world for a socially awkward teen, who was raised on a farm, knows absolutely nothing of the 'High School Way of Life' and happens to be more clumsy then a dilapidated whale on land.
I mean come on! Tiani even googled peoples experiences of their first days at High School! Who does that? So she may have gone to great lengths to ready herself but nothing would've gotten her quite so ready for whats to come, she thinks it'll just be like in the movies. Cue socially awkward teen who can't even walk on flat ground, cue the tripping, falling and then the teenage heartthrob comes along helps and blah blah blah... fall in love, world domination happy happy endings. Well, well, well Tiani Winters is going to be sorely mistaken.
Cue the scary music and manic laughing.
Oh did I also forget to mention, that Tiani is the daughter of world renowned, fashion designer and celebrity Carmen Winters. If you aren't flopping off your chairs and having a grand mal seizure then you honestly don't know whats so genuinely and so embarrassing about being related to Carmen Winters.