56 parts Complete Pirates of the Caribbean comedy and adventure meets a naive narrator, werewolves, fish people, and more in this fantastical adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's timeless Treasure Island.
After the murder of his mother, Walter Avery sets off on an expedition to a supposedly nonexistent island, led by the X-marked map that Lisa Avery had left in his possession. With this as his only lead to those that had torn his life apart, Walter disembarks with a varied cast of personalities on a voyage of revenge, while those with him seek peace, knowledge, glory, and adventure.
"AUDIOBOOK" for chapters up to "The 'Just Right' Captain": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNQrysFZubI&list=PLCZjhmwo5_DGvtPux_sn7IeVlB5p5uy-z
1st place winner in the Action/Adventure category of The Butterfly Awards 2020
1st place winner in the Adventure category of The Chaos Awards 8 2020
1st place winner in the Adventure category of the Glory Awards 2020
1st place winner in the Fantasy category of The Belle Ame Awards 2020
Featured on @ StoriesUndiscovered official reading list from March-April 2020
Featured on @ talesofthedeep official Ships Ahoy ~ Pirate Tales reading list
Featured on @ Wattpad's Editors' Choice List January 2021