In a world where your heart tends to get a bit too exited when you first kiss your soulmate, and glows.
Keith can't wait to get out of high school. Frantically racing to the finish line in hopes of a better life than the current one he has in his non-air-conditioned school. His hot temper and social introversion don't make his already hard life any easier. And as it would happen, neither does a certain Lance McClain, his own personal 'tormentor', who is actually only intent on flirting with the adorable boy he's known since grade school. But of course, the naive mullet mistakes these complements and pick up lines as acts of aggression.
What else does the universe have against the two? A lot apparently, as for some reason it made the pair soulmates.
WARNINGS: smut, an extremely foolish mullet complete with these traits for comedic effect, a tall hot drink of Lance, gays being gayyyyy, two extremely unorganized authors, swearing *christian gasps*, inappropriate jokes, strong language, no update schedules, long vacations where we just fuck around and watch supernatural, etc.
You get the point.
Yet another combined trash book by the nerds wonderlandnarnia and reeses_cups8
Cover by reeses_cups8
Have fun kids :)